
The Divine Farmer: What is Your Soil?

The Divine Farmer: What is Your Soil?

Let’s connect with fellow believers, encourage each other, and pray for spiritual nourishment. Remember, our God, the Divine Farmer, sows His word to all.

First Job of A Disciple: Be with Jesus

First Job of A Disciple: Be with Jesus

Being with Jesus is vital for our spiritual growth and well-being. As we remain in Him, we bear fruit, find rest, and learn from Him as our teacher and guide.

Jesus, the Cornerstone of God’s Kingdom

Jesus, the Cornerstone of God’s Kingdom

The religious leaders rejected Him, the Roman leaders crucified Him, the Jewish multitudes chose another, and the disciples cowered in fear. What is your response to Jesus the Cornerstone?

Eternal Life: Why It Cannot Be Earned

Eternal Life: Why It Cannot Be Earned

Eternal life is a divine gift from God, given to those who place their trust in Jesus as their Savior. It’s not something you can earn through good deeds.

Can We Trust God in Difficult Times?

Can We Trust God in Difficult Times?

Joseph’s wise preparation for the famine saved his family in Canaan from difficult times, ensuring the eventual birth of Jesus, the Messiah, and the salvation of humanity from sin.

Divine Calling: Embracing God’s Equipping for Service

Divine Calling: Embracing God’s Equipping for Service

God continues to invite people to share the gospel with a needy world. He doesn’t call those who are already equipped, but rather equips those He calls. Despite their weaknesses, He empowers them to accomplish remarkable feats for Him.

Holiness in His House: Embracing Genuine Worship

Holiness in His House: Embracing Genuine Worship

What does the church mean to you? How are you contributing to the church and its ministry?
God is holy and holiness is expected in His house.

#HolinessInHisHouse #WorshipBeyondSunday #GenuineWorship #ReverenceInWorship

King Jesus is Coming: Preparing for His Glorious Arrival

King Jesus is Coming: Preparing for His Glorious Arrival

The parables of Noah and Lot emphasize the suddenness of Jesus’ return. How does this truth encourage you to live each day with a sense of urgency and purpose?

#JesusIsComing, #PrepareForHisReturn, #ImminentReturn, #GloriousArrival, #SoulPreparation #WatchfulLiving

God is Unchanging: Our Anchor in an Ever-Changing World

God is Unchanging: Our Anchor in an Ever-Changing World

Are you struggling to grapple with situations, people that are constantly changing like shifting sands? Anchor yourself in the immutable God who never changes.

#UnchangingGod #AnchorintheStorm #ConstantandTrue #SolidRock

Kingdom of Love: The Invitation is Open

Kingdom of Love: The Invitation is Open

Do the demands of my busy life, work, responsibilities often drown out the soft whisper of God’s invitation?

Jesus lovingly invites us to His Great Banquet.

Our Compassionate God Sees and Sets Free

Our Compassionate God Sees and Sets Free

Pause to consider how you have experienced God’s compassion.

Our God is compassionate and calls us to reflect His compassion to the hurting world around us.

Our Father: A Relationship of Love and Access

Our Father: A Relationship of Love and Access

For me, is prayer a shopping list or magic formula? Or is it a personal conversation with my loving heavenly Father, to whom I have unlimited access?

#OurFather #UnlimitedAccess #IntimateRelationship #DependenceOnGod #HeavenlyFather

The Lord of the Harvest: A Call to Prayer and Labor

The Lord of the Harvest: A Call to Prayer and Labor

The cry of the world for truth, purpose and salvation around us is deafening. Are we listening? Are you willing to labor and pray?

#LordoftheHarvest #KingdomPurposes #AligningwithGodsWill #PrayerfulEngagement

The All Important Question

The All Important Question

Who do you see Jesus as – a historical figure, a good teacher, a moral example to follow? This question that has eternal consequences begs an answer today.

#WhoDoYouSayIAm #JesusIsMessiah #EternalDestiny

The All-Knowing God: Trusting in His Omniscience

The All-Knowing God: Trusting in His Omniscience

Are there struggles, fears, or burdens you are hesitant to bring before God? God is all-knowing. He who calls the stars by name knows every detail of your life.

#OmniscientGod #TrustHisWisdom #RestInHisPresence #SovereignGod

Abundant Forgiveness, Overflowing Love

Abundant Forgiveness, Overflowing Love

Guilt and shame can be crippling tools that the evil one uses to keep us from failing to fully embrace God’s forgiveness. Would you choose to come to Him today?

#AbundantForgiveness #OverflowingLove #GodsGrace

Building on the Rock: Jesus Our Firm Foundation

Building on the Rock: Jesus Our Firm Foundation

Every one of us faces storms in life. Time and storms of life will prove the strength of our foundation. Are you building your life on Jesus, the Rock?

#BuildingOnTheRock #JesusOurFoundation #FirmInFaith #FoundationInChrist #FaithfulThroughTrials

Bold and Confident in the Power of Christ

Bold and Confident in the Power of Christ

God has power over sin and sickness and is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or imagine. What keeps you from trusting Him today?
#PowerOfChrist #AuthorityOfGod #FaithInAction

Responding to the Unmatched Authority of Jesus

Responding to the Unmatched Authority of Jesus

Envision a world transformed by the power and authority of Jesus. What can you do to bring about that transformation through your words, actions, and prayer?

#AuthorityOfJesus #PowerOfGod #ReverenceAndWorship #SurrenderToHim

Humility: Jesus, the Ultimate Example

Humility: Jesus, the Ultimate Example

Break free from the chains of pride and self-centeredness.

Follow Jesus’ example to grow in humility, relying on the Holy Spirit to guide you daily.

God is near to all who call on Him.

God Answers Faith-filled Prayers

God Answers Faith-filled Prayers

Consider the mountains you may be facing today. Persist in faith-filled prayer, knowing that He is able to move and overcome the impossible.

God Heals: On the Jericho Road

God Heals: On the Jericho Road

Read: Mark 10:32-52 Mark 10:49 - Jesus stopped and said, "Call him." "On the Jericho road, there is room for just two, no more and no less, just Jesus and you..." Having walked long distances, and dealt with many questions and requests, Jesus now passes through...

Bible Verses: The Lord our God

Bible Verses: The Lord our God

The Lord our God is powerful and unchanging. His power is evident throughout history and continues to be displayed in the lives of believers today. His unchanging nature gives us hope and security, knowing that He will never leave us or forsake us. As we live in light...

Bible Verses: Jesus, the Cornerstone

Bible Verses: Jesus, the Cornerstone

Jesus is the cornerstone of God’s great plan of the ages, that all things would be founded and fulfilled in Him. The ‘capstone’ or ‘cornerstone’ was an important stone, that held together two rows of stones or stabilized the stones at the foundation. Jesus...

Bible Verses: Jesus, Our Servant King

Bible Verses: Jesus, Our Servant King

Jesus, sets us the ultimate example of servant leadership through His humility. The Son of God, the Second Person in the Trinity, left His glory above to come and serve and die for you and me. What kind of love is this? As you meditate on these verses, may you grow in...

You are Valued and Worth a Stop: Voice, Not Noise

You are Valued and Worth a Stop: Voice, Not Noise

Do you feel overlooked, rejected, unheard, unimportant, seeking a breakthrough? Our God cares to stop, listen to our cry. He knows your name, hears your voice.

ValuedByGod #VoiceNotNoise #GodsLoveForAll #PersistentFaith