Are there times you wonder about why you are in this world? What is the purpose of your existence? The Bible says God created you and for a purpose!
Names of God
Holiness in His House: Embracing Genuine Worship
What does the church mean to you? How are you contributing to the church and its ministry? God is holy and holiness is expected in His house.
True Worship: Offering God our Best
Are you giving God your best, or do you sometimes settle for the easiest or cheapest way to worship Him? God desires, is infinitely worthy of our true worship.
Secure in Him: The Power of Forgiveness and Mercy
Where does your security lie? Insecurity, often is a great motivator for revenge and unforgiveness. May we find our security in Him.
Agents of Reconciliation: Reflecting God’s Heart for Restoration
Are you in the midst of ‘many dangers, toils, and snares’? Would you trust that God’s grace which saves wretches like you and me, will lead us safe home too?
God’s Redemptive Love: Grace at the King’s Table
Are you in the midst of ‘many dangers, toils, and snares’? Would you trust that God’s grace which saves wretches like you and me, will lead us safe home too?
The Power of God With Us: Navigating Life with Confidence
Are you feeling lonely, fearful, facing sickness and loneliness? God is with us empowering, guiding and strengthening us. Strength will rise as we wait on Him.
God is Rich in Mercy: Find Strength in Him
When in difficult situations, do you tend to seek strength from others, from within yourself? God, rich in mercy, is found by those who truly seek Him.
God of Peace and Reconciliation: Called to be Peacemakers
Are you angry and vengeful because of a difficult relationship, unwilling to bring peace, reconciliation? Our God of reconciliation calls us to be peacemakers.
God’s Purposes will not be Thwarted: Trust Him
Are you in a season of waiting and uncertainty, questioning God’s plan for your life? God uses great preparation when the task is great. Trust Him.
Beyond Appearances: God Delights in an Authentic Heart
Am I tempted to prioritize outward appearances over the authenticity of my heart? God knows and sees the depths of my heart like no one!
Trusting God’s Guidance: Navigating Life’s Crossroads
When at crossroad, looking for direction and guidance, who or what do you turn to? Our God is faithful and loving God, desires to lead us. Would turn to Him?
The Unmatched Power and Might of Our God
Do I trust in God’s sovereignty, power, or do I rely on the idols of my own abilities, worldly solutions?
Our God is all powerful and worthy of all our worship!
The Ultimate Redeemer: Jesus Christ
Do you find yourself in the bondage of past mistakes or regrets? Jesus is our redeemer who has paid the price for our freedom. Would you trust Him today?
God’s Unfailing Forgiveness: Samson’s Story
Have I experienced the consequences of my actions and felt distant from God’s plan for my life? God forgives and remains faithful even when we are unfaithful.
Sovereign God: Calls and Equips
Am I allowing past mistakes, failures, and labels to limit my view of what God can do through me? God is our sovereign Way Maker, equipping those He calls.
God’s Tender Mercies: A Path to Victory
Fears, doubts or feelings of insecurities are real. God understands and anchors us with tender mercies, empowering us to live in victory.
#GodsTenderMercies #WalkingInVictory #TrustingHisPromises #FindingCourage
Unfailing Mercy: God’s Lifeline
We all desperately need God’s unfailing mercy. When faced with difficulties, do I genuinely turn to God in dependence and cry out to Him for deliverance?
Responding in Faith to Our Faithful God
Do you find yourself relying on your own strength and coming up short? God is faithful and not one of His promises fail. He comes through every single time.
God’s Faithfulness: Our Hope and Stay
In a world filled with uncertainties, God’s unchanging faithfulness shines as an anchor for our souls.
God is Just: Lessons from the Life of Achan
How much does obedience to God really matter? Achan’s story teaches us some powerful lessons on the consequences and impact of our actions.
Stepping into Miracles: Trusting God’s Faithfulness in Impossible Situations
Do you ever feel all alone, like nobody cares? God lovingly carries us on eagle’s wings, calling us to trust His love and wisdom, even when He stirs our nests.
God Lovingly Cares for Us: Soaring on Eagle’s Wings
Do you ever feel all alone, like nobody cares? God lovingly carries us on eagle’s wings, calling us to trust His love and wisdom, even when He stirs our nests.
God Cares: The Sin of Doing Nothing
True love is not but manifested through compassionate action, extending a helping hand to those in need. When I needed a neighbor were you there?
Embracing God’s Omniscience and Living His Word
“God’s omniscience is a comforting truth. It means that no matter what we face, He already knows the outcome and has a plan in place.” – Rick Warren. Would you choose to trust Him and live out His Word?
Practicing Justice: Reflects the Heart of God
Justice is not an optional add-on to our faith. It is a core component, intricately woven into the very fabric of who God is and what He desires for His creation. Am I reflecting my God by practicing justice?
God Restores: The Power of His Word
Our God is a God not just of second chances, but many chances. Getting right with God after a time of rebellion must always begin and center on God’s word. In those moments when we feel broken, lost, or burdened by guilt, it is through the Word that we find hope and healing. It is in the promises and teachings of Scripture that we encounter the very heart of God, who longs to restore and renew us.
Our Jealous God Demands Exclusive Devotion
God’s jealousy is love in action. He refuses to share the human heart with any rival, not because He is selfish, but because He knows that our very moral life depends on our loyalty to Him.
God Heals: On the Jericho Road
Do I have the determination and faith of Bartimaeus to cry out to Jesus for mercy and healing in my life? Do I truly believe that God cares enough to stop and listen to every heart’s cry, including mine?
Faithful God: The High Cost of Unbelief
Struggling with your faith? Remember, unbelief can impact us in various ways – it can create a rift in our relationship with God..
From Last to First – Unpacking Biblical Greatness
True greatness in the Kingdom of God is measured not by how many serve you, but by how many you serve.
From Levitical Priests to Jesus’ Priesthood
Unlike the continuous offerings of the priests, Jesus offered Himself as a once-and-for-all sacrifice, atoning for the sins of all people, for all time.
Following Jesus’ Example of Compassion
Jesus reached out to everyone, breaking down social barriers. Let’s follow His example and extend compassion to those in need. How can you show compassion today?
Finding Strength in Our Defender
God is your strength. Stand rooted in your spiritual connection with the true God and remember He is our Way Maker, mighty in battle.
What Actually Matters: Tradition Vs Truth
In our spiritual journey, let’s be wary of prioritizing man-made traditions over God’s word. Jesus teaches us that authenticity and heart condition matter more than mere appearances.
God’s Response to Rebellion: Aaron’s Rod
Aaron’s rod not only sprouted but budded, blossomed, and yielded ripe almonds – a miracle only God could perform. Not a small sign, but a vivid display of His approval of Aaron’s leadership.
The Power of Faith: Rejection Expected, Limitations of Unbelief
Jesus experienced the pain of rejection. He was rejected by His own family, not even His brothers believed Him
God’s Response to Pride: Are You Dealing with Unfair Judgement?
The Bible reminds us that pride goes before a fall. If God were to testify about you and me, what do you think He would have to say?
The Great Liberator: Dismissed Over Pigs
Jesus the liberator can free you and me from our prisons of sin, fear, doubt, insecurity, or anything else that holds us captive. The choice is ours.
The Ultimate Eye Witness: Every Offering Matters
“God cherishes each individual’s heart and offerings. He sees not just what we give, but what we keep.
The Divine Farmer: What is Your Soil?
Let’s connect with fellow believers, encourage each other, and pray for spiritual nourishment. Remember, our God, the Divine Farmer, sows His word to all.
Trusting in the Lord our God’s Unchanging Nature
The Lord is God indeed, of that there is no doubt. The question is, do you recognize God as the Lord of your life, with power, control, and authority over everything?
First Job of A Disciple: Be with Jesus
Being with Jesus is vital for our spiritual growth and well-being. As we remain in Him, we bear fruit, find rest, and learn from Him as our teacher and guide.
God’s Presence: The Reward of Obedience
The greatest blessing was the promise of God’s Presence. He promised to walk among them, to be their God.
Why Prioritize Time Alone with God
Look no man in the face till thou hast seen the face of God. Speak thou with none till thou hast had speech with the Most High.
Respecting the Elderly as a Reflection of God’s Holiness: A Biblical Perspective
May we ask God to help us cultivate a heart of respect for our elders and reverence for His holiness, following the example of Christ and the teaching of Scripture, may He be our vision, always.
Sharing the Good News of the Resurrection
Jesus does not stay dead, The Good news is He arose! Jesus was not the first one brought back from the dead, but He was the first one resurrected.
Food Laws in the Bible: Their Significance Today?
The prohibition of certain foods as unclean was a temporary part of God’s way of making Israel distinct from the nations of the world. With the coming of Christ, God’s people, are no longer political-ethnic people like the Jews, but a global people, from every tribe and language ethnicity and race.
God’s Holiness and Our Call to Be Holy
Leviticus 1:1 opens with God calling Moses to speak with him from the tent of meeting. God’s holiness is emphasized throughout the book, and He calls His people to be holy too.
Jesus’ Heart for His People: Finding Safety and Nourishment Under His Wings
Jesus loves and longs to protect us under His wings like a hen does her chicks. But it requires that we be willing to come to Him. We need to respond to Him willingly,
The Lord of Glory Returns: The High Cost of Indifference
The cost of indifference is very high. We cannot afford to be indifferent to Jesus’ imminent return nor the Holy Spirit who prepares us for His return.
Anticipating the Soon and Sure Coming Christ
Are you a ‘Noah’ warning those around you of what is to come? Do not give up! Be faithful to do ‘all that God has commanded you’, just as Noah did.
Tetelestai: The Cry of the Victorious One
Tetelestai, which means paid in full. This was the cry of a winner.
Passover, Sacrifice, and Salvation: Jesus the Ultimate Passover Lamb
Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin.
Jesus’ Hallel Before His Sacrifice: Praise in the Darkest Hour
What is your usual response when facing difficult circumstances or trials?
God’s Plan of Redemption: The Need for Atonement
Is the sin in your life making you uncomfortable or are you prone to justifying your behavior?
The Wideness of God’s Grace
Jesus’ sacrifice was ultimate and perfect. He gave His very life and the last drop of His blood for you and me.
Walking in God’s Wisdom: Transforming Our Thinking and Choices
Are there any areas where you are pursuing worldly wisdom instead of godly wisdom? If so, ask God to help you develop a reverential fear of Him and to lead you on the path of godly wisdom
Jesus Christ: The Prophesied Messiah or Mere Coincidence?
Jesus fulfilled hundreds of prophecies from the Old Testament to prove that He is indeed the Messiah, the Anointed One of God, the Chosen One.
God Shelters Us in the Cleft of the Rock
God shelters Moses in the cleft of a rock, protecting him as He passes by. This beautiful image reminds us of God’s tender care and protection
Trusting God’s Plans: Overcoming Fear and Worry
God promises to direct and guide us through our life’s journey. We walk today in the place that is prepared by God.
On Eagle’s Wings
God chose to send His Son into the world to rescue us so that we may be His people, His treasured possession to have fellowship with Him. He carries us on eagle’s wings.
Faith in the Promise-Keeper: Navigating Life through God’s Unfailing Word
What is keeping you from believing God and His promises? Does your situation seem impossible? His Word is still unfailing today. God kept His promise to Abraham
When Desperate Faith and Divine Compassion Meet
What is your response when in a desperate situation? Fear? Doubt? Anxiety? This leper was desperate but his response is a worthy example for us even today.
Beyond Worry: Trusting God’s Sustaining Love and Provision
What are you worried about today? How are you responding to the challenges of life? Are you trusting in God’s sustaining Love & Provision ?
Holy God Calls to Sacrificial Obedience
In what areas do you find it challenging to make changes for holy living? Our holy God calls us to holy living and is able to help us change, overcome.
Trusting Our Unchanging God: A Journey of Faith and Blessings
What is keeping you from trusting God, and stepping out in faith? Fear of the future, anxiety?
Abram trusted God (who is unchanging) to provide for him and He did!
The Sinless One: Jesus, the Overcomer, Helps Us Overcome
In what areas of your life do you find it most challenging to resist temptation?
Jesus, the Sinless One, the overcomer is able, and willing to help us resist temptation.
Noah’s Ark: A Tale of Faith, Obedience, and the Ultimate Invitation
Have you accepted God’s call of salvation? Do you feel like Noah, faithfully following God’s call in the face of challenges, opposition?
Noah faithfully obeyed.
God’s Roadmap: Trusting God to Direct Your Life’s Journey
How do you respond to what you know God wants you to do? Questions? Indifference? hostile? Doubt? Joseph response was to follow in immediate obedience by Trusting in God.
Revealing the Triune God in the Creation Narrative
The pages of Scripture open with the grand account of creation, the awe-inspiring Creator and the wonders of His handiwork! A God who was and is present with us!
31. Worthy of Our Supreme Love
Our reasonable response to Christ who came down at Christmas
is to give Him our utmost love and devotion
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Matthew #love #ReasonableResponse #devotion
30. Jesus Satisfies Our Deepest Longing
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 30 – we celebrate Jesus, who came to satisfy our deepest need
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #SpiritualThirst #LivingWaters
29. Partakers of His Divine Nature
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 29 – we celebrate Jesus, who gives us great and precious promises
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #2Peter #DivineNature #PreciousPromises
28. Jesus Came Down and Dwelt Among Us
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 28 – we celebrate Jesus, who came down to dwell with us
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #GodwithUs #Immanuel
27. Jesus Our Prince of Peace
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 27 – we celebrate Jesus, our Prince of Peace
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #peace #princeofpeace
26. Our Everlasting Father
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 26 – we celebrate Jesus, our Everlasting Father
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #Father #Everlasting Father
25. Jesus is our Almighty God
We celebrate Christmas because Reason 25 – we celebrate Jesus, our Almighty God
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #Almighty #LordOfCreation #worship
24. Jesus our Counsellor
We celebrate Christmas because Reason 24 – we celebrate Jesus, our wonderful all-wise Counselor
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Counselor #Guide #all wise
23. Jesus Christ is Wonderful
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 23 – we celebrate Jesus, our wonderful God
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #WonderfulGod
22. The Government Upon His Shoulders
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 22 – we celebrate King Jesus and His government upon His shoulders
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #KingJesus #government
21. For Unto Us a Child is Born
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 21 – we celebrate Jesus, God’s Son, who chose to identify with us, be born a baby
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #Child
20. Jesus the Source of Eternal Life
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 20 – we celebrate Jesus who is the Source of eternal life
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #BreadOfLife #EternalLife
19. Jesus the Holy One
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 19 – we celebrate Jesus as the Holy One
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Luke #holy #sinless #sacrifice
18. Jesus Christ, Our Glorious Hope
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 18 – we celebrate Jesus our Redeemer, who paid the ransom for many
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Mark #Titus #Redeeemer #Ransom #hope #sin
17. Jesus is the Judge
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 17 – we celebrate Jesus as the Judge
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #Judge #sin
16. Jesus, the Proclaimer of Good News
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 16 – we celebrate Jesus, the Proclaimer of Good News
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Luke #good news #gospel
15. Jesus Brings Us Great Joy
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 15 – we celebrate Jesus who brings us great joy
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Luke #joy
14. Jesus the Light of the World
We celebrate Jesus because
Reason 14 – we celebrate Jesus the Light of the world
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #Light #darkness #sin
13. Jesus is Our Saviour
We celebrate Jesus because
Reason 13 – we celebrate Jesus our Saviour
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Hebrews #1 Timothy #Saviour #sacrifice
12. Jesus is the Servant King
We celebrate Jesus because
Reason 12 – we celebrate Jesus our Servant King
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Mark #Servant King #serve
11. Jesus is the Prince of Peace
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 11 – Jesus is our peace
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Ephesians #peace #reconciliation #sin #separation
10. Jesus the High Priest
We celebrate Jesus because
Reason 10 – we celebrate Jesus our High Priest
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Hebrews #HighPriest
9. Jesus’ Submission and Obedience
We celebrate Jesus because
Reason 9 – Jesus was obedient
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Obedience #John #submission
8. In Humility, Jesus Emptied Himself
We celebrate Jesus because
Reason 8 – in humility, Jesus emptied Himself
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Philippians #humility #ServantKing #cross #submission #surrender
7. Jesus the Fulfillment and the Penalty
We celebrate Christmas because Reason 7 – Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the law and became the penalty in my place
#31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod
4. Jesus Came to Die on the Cross
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 4 – Jesus came to die on the cross for your sins and mine
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #God’sLove #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #Cross #death
3. Jesus Came to Heal the Sin-sick Soul
We celebrate Christmas because Reason 3 – Jesus came to save us from sin
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonsfor Christmas #Mark #Sin, #SaveOur Souls #sin-sick
2. Jesus’ Unyielding Mission to Seek the Lost
We celebrate Christmas because Reason 2 – Jesus came to seek and save you and me
1. Divine Love in Action
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 1 – God loved us
From Aaron to Jesus: The Once and For All Atonement
Jesus has secured for us an eternal redemption and is our Mediator before God. Jesus came and ended the Tabernacle and sacrifices.
Bible Verses: Jesus, Son of God
Jesus is the second person of the Trinity and has existed eternally. The title "Son of God" does not indicate Jesus was the literal offspring of His Father. On the contrary, the Bible often uses the word "son" to mean, "possessing the nature of," or, "in the order...