Trials could also be to test our earnestness. Or a way to bring to the fore sin which we are unwilling to turn over to the Lord. Trials could be because we have not yet fully understood the plan of salvation.
At The Potters Wheel
It Is Okay (Job 6:1-13) SUFFERING
We can come to Him with our honest fears, our pain, and questions even. God understands and loves us still. He remembers that we are mere dust.
Worship Through Tears (Job 1:1-22) PERSPECTIVE
Are you able to trust the loving sovereignty of God through tough times?
What Is the Purpose? (Genesis 11:1-9) PRIDE
Pride and selfishness can never lead to any good. Does pride have a role in why you are doing what you are doing?
Before It’s Too Late (Genesis 4:1-16) SIN/TEMPTATION
What sin is lurking near your heart’s door today?
Divine Legacy (Genesis 1:1-31) KNOW GOD
You and I are created in God’s image. To be in God’s image is to be like Him. It is to have His nature and reflect His character. It is to live in unity with one another.